see how you can


Work and Learn with me…

safety in thriving

This is my signature 1:1 somatic and trauma coaching programme that will help you uncover layers of childhood trauma and repressed emotions embedded in the body through somatic-based modalities. It also combines nervous system mentoring and offers access to a variety of somatic tools and strategies. There is currently a waitlist. If you wish to work 1:1 with me, add yourself to it below and you’ll be notified once a spot becomes available.

Healing Trauma Guided by the Body

This is my signature 12-week online group course designed to help you tap into your body’s capacity to process trauma and improve nervous system regulation with science-based somatic strategies. It runs twice a year and it’s my most comprehensive course to date.

The somatics of attachment styles

A 3-hour workshop that will teach you how to help your nervous system feel safe in connection to experience the healthy love and fulfilling relationships you long for. Receive trauma-informed neuro-education on attachment styles through the lens of somatics and learn somatic practices to support your body’s capacity to connect with others.

What to expect from my work…


My private programme, courses and workshops are founded on neuroscientific discoveries and, we always approach your mind and body as one unified system.


You awaken your vitality by integrating your shadow. You find emotional healing and freedom through uncovering and feeling your repressed pain little by little, and not by bypassing it.

Cutting-edge education

The goal of somatics is to take you from being disembodied and feeling caged inside your own body to being embodied and feeling liberated inside your body.


We see symptoms through the lens of trauma, and we address their root causes instead of only focusing on the surface-level appearance of their expressions.


The educational resources and programmes I offer are of high-quality and I pride myself in delivering offerings created with great devotion, care and attention to detail.


You’re encouraged to develop your sense of agency whether we work privately together or in a group setting. You’re in the driver’s seat of your healing journey.


We don’t do superficiality here. There is depth in what I create and teach, and this is one of the reasons my community, students and clients are attracted to my work.

You can learn to trust your body again, believe in its capacity to heal and activate the innate restorative powers of your nervous system after trauma.

If you wish to go from stuckness to vitality

About me

Hi, I’m Effie.

your body has an innate capacity to heal after trauma. But it needs the right support & guidance.

After my training in the fields of trauma and the nervous system, through teaching and supporting private clients and groups, and thanks to my personal insights from my own healing journey after living with trauma for almost 20 years, I realised our body is more powerful than we’re taught, and our nervous system more resilient than we believe.

My holistic approach bridges neuroscience with soul work, body with mind, and cognition with intuition to help you process trauma and emotions, and create a more conscious, fulfilling life rooted in the authentic ‘you’.


Here’s what clients and students are saying

“Since day one I noticed changes in the way I see myself. Now I show up with confidence and I’m not afraid to make mistakes. I recommend working with Effie to anyone who’s struggling with emotional overwhelm and self-doubt. This will probably be one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make.”

— Mafalda Franca

“Effie’s ability to get to the truth of the matter and create a path to a different way of seeing myself has been life changing.”

— Susannah Barrie

“Effie held space for me to explore my feelings, difficulties and new perspectives on myself, my view of the world and my experiences. I’ve gained a deeper understanding of my patterns and cycles and was given the tools to work through them.”

— Kyli Ferguson

The Alchemy of Emotional Processing After Trauma

Access my free workshop

Learn science-backed tools to support your body’s capacity to process emotions after trauma and strengthen your nervous system resilience.