Heal Your Nervous System, Awaken Your Vitality


“Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence. Not only can trauma be healed, but with appropriate guidance and support, it can be transformative.”

Peter A. Levine

Inside your body, there are stories waiting to be told in the presence of safety and compassion.

Your body is wise and creative, and has its own organismic intelligence that can set your biology in order. Although the tendency of our culture is to pathologise normal responses to trauma, your body’s goal is to always protect you even through the most uncomfortable emotional, mental and physical manifestations.

But the most remarkable thing is that your body has innate restorative powers thanks to your nervous system which is the best pharmacist you can ever have access to.

If you wish to engage in somatic healing to feel better and live better, without trying to fix yourself (because we can’t shame our way to healing), this is the right place for you to find cutting-edge trauma-informed neuro-education and somatic healing tools to transform your health and life.

I’m delighted you’ve found your way here!

Watch My Free Workshop

Learn science-backed tools to support your body’s capacity to process emotions after trauma and strengthen your nervous system resilience.

The Alchemy of Emotional Processing After Trauma

Hey I’m Effie Kli

I’m a trained somatic coach and trauma educator with a holistic approach that bridges neuroscience with soul work, body with mind, and cognition with intuition to help you process trauma and emotions, and create a more conscious, fulfilling life rooted in the authentic ‘you’.

For two decades I also lived with chronic trauma symptoms, and one thing that’s become clear to me is our body always guides us towards healing.

I believe the root causes of dysregulation and trauma are cultural and social dysfunctions, and our body isn’t to be blamed for how it responds to these.

This is why I’m not interested in pathologising symptoms because symptoms are our body’s way of telling us what our mind isn’t able to capture or be aware of.

Instead of shaming those experiences, a paradigm shift is to learn to apply compassionate curiosity and learn to speak our body’s language so that trauma is resolved sustainably.

Healing Your Nervous System Starts Here.

learn and work with me

safety in thriving

This is my signature 1:1 somatic and trauma coaching programme that will help you process layers of childhood trauma and repressed emotions embedded in the body through somatic-based modalities. Currently there is a waitlist and to be notified when there is an opening, add your interest below.

Healing trauma guided by the body

This is my signature 12-week group online course designed to help you tap into your body’s capacity to process trauma and emotions, and improve nervous system regulation with science-based somatic strategies. It runs twice a year and it’s my most comprehensive course to date.

the somatics of attachment styles

A 3-hour workshop that will teach you how to help your nervous system feel safe in connection to experience the healthy love and fulfilling relationships you long for. Receive trauma-informed neuro-education on attachment styles through the lens of somatics and learn somatic practices to support your body’s capacity to connect with others.

What Clients and Students are Saying:


“Effie’s course has been life changing for me. I decided to join because of her philosophy, her story and because I felt that she’d ‘get’ me. She broke down complex information, so it was understandable, gave me tools to support myself with my cPTSD, anxiety and depression, and she offered persistent and reliable guidance. There has been such a transformation for me and I’m in a totally different place compared to where I was before her course.”

— Corina Ebnother

“The most important benefit from my coaching with Effie is that I’m more confident about what I can achieve. Working with Effie has been a catalyst for me and I love the person I’ve become.”

— Katerina Papavasileiou

“Your guidance has helped me immensely. I feel that my mental and emotional state has improved a lot, and it happened in the best moment in my life. In certain ways my whole mindset shifted and I learnt a new approach. It works! I’ll be using the methods you taught us.”

— Szilvia Frank

“This course has opened a warm, comforting and inspiring door for me not only to learn and understand a lot more about myself and my struggles with anxiety, shame, fear and self-doubt, but also taught me there are tools beyond awareness to grow and nurture myself. Effie’s clarity and insight is a priceless and abundant gift. Can’t recommend Effie and her course enough!”

— Jonny Benson

“After a long spell of psychodynamic therapy I still felt there was something missing. I felt like I didn’t really have any tools to support myself. I was aware of my behaviours, patterns and bad habits - but I couldn’t stop them. The first time I spoke to Effie I knew I could trust her straight away and this was important because sometimes I feel like no-one understands me. Effie showed me during our sessions how to re-connect with my body, to feel my feelings, and how to listen to them. She challenged me to see the past and myself without shame, and soon it became clear to me that there wasn’t anything wrong with me’. Effie helped me get to the core of my problem, gave me tools to transcend it, and techniques to help me feel and release emotions I used to shut down out of fear. She truly helped me feel ‘whole’ again. To anyone thinking of working with Effie, I’d say do yourself a favour and do it. She’s been incredibly helpful to me and I will always be grateful the universe sent her my way.”

— Dave Cooke

“Effie is a great teacher and day by day I see small changes in me. Before I met her I thought everything was my fault and that I was not worthy of being loved or feel happy, but now I see that I can create a better future.”

— Caroline Enmark

Your body is always on your side fighting your corner.

Its discomfort is a clearance process & an invitation to face, feel and express what we and previous generations haven’t done before so we can heal, grow and evolve.

Access the FREE workshop

3-hours of neuro-education and practical tools

The Alchemy of Emotional processing after trauma

You’ll learn:

  • The scientific link between emotional processing and our immune system’s ability to fight disease

  • How our body’s struggle to metabolise emotional trauma can lead to anxiety and depression

  • The physiology of shame, and how shame blocks our capacity to process emotions and regulate

  • Somatic, emotional and psychological signs of emotional avoidance

  • The necessary requirement for our body to be able to metabolise emotions linked to trauma

  • The difference between emotions vs. feelings, and how to harness the power to create self-empowerment

  • Polyvagal Theory tools to help with naturally metabolising repressed emotions that lead to anxiety and depression

  • A 5-step model for sustainable emotional processing in daily life

  • Somatic Experiencing safety principles for effective emotional processing

  • THREE somatic exercises to support the emotional processing of trauma

Get in Touch

For media inquiries, podcast invites, collaborations, and other enquiries, please fill out the form below and someone from my team will come back to you. Please share any relevant links that might help us make the best decision on your proposal.