
The Diary of a Nervous System

blog post 1

Depression is a symptom of chronic repression

blog post 2

Calling women hysterical is a patriarchal cop-out

blog post 3

Anxiety is often a somatic memory of our childhood

all about you

Behind the Blog

Hey, I’m Effie Kli!

I’m a trained somatic coach and trauma educator with a holistic approach that bridges neuroscience with soul work, body with mind, and cognition with intuition to help you process trauma and emotions, and create a more conscious, fulfilling life rooted in the authentic ‘you’.

For two decades I also lived with chronic trauma symptoms, and one thing that’s become clear to me is our body always guides us towards healing.

I have no interest in pathologising symptoms because symptoms are our body's way of telling us what our mind isn’t able to capture or be aware of.  

Instead of shaming those experiences, a paradigm shift is to learn to apply compassionate curiosity and learn to speak our body's language so that trauma is resolved sustainably.

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